Friday, April 27, 2012

The Irony In Seeking

To anyone who has a calling to find; truth, a deeper connection to life/God/love, their true self, The Self, or any of the many euphemisms for the fruits of inner journey, this calling manifests into seeking.  There is a deep sense that the truth is out there somewhere, and if you only access the right; teacher, training, mentor, knowledge, practice, etc., and put in your time, enlightenment will be yours.

The irony in seeking is that this part of us that is seeking, is the biggest barrier to the greater experience of; peace, love, bliss, harmony, connection, etc. that we intuit is possible.
The truth is, in this journey, ever step you take is a step away from where the answer is found. Ultimately, it is just an idea you have about yourself, that believes an idea about what needs to be; different, acquired, or accomplished, to obtain some imagined better state.  If you let go of all the ideas and imagining, what do you experience now?
As the poet Rumi explained, "Your task is not to seek for love, your task is to seek and find all the barriers you have built against it."   

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