I caught a PBS special on Joseph Campbell recently. Campbell, a professor and prolific writer on myth, who passed away 20 years ago, is someone who always inspires me. His encyclopedic grasp of the various spiritual paths and traditions, and his passion for his subject, always helps me catch a glimpse of life from a larger perspective.
What struck me in this recent program was his statement that despite all we may do to try and control our lives and loved ones, when it comes down to it we are all really just, “free-falling into the future.”
He went on to imply that when we find our way to let go of the fear-based need to control, the habitual mind-clouding judgments about what is “good” and “bad”, and the perpetual striving to have life show up in some other way than how it is showing up – we can arrive back in the present moment, at peace and truly engaged in our lives.
I will try that again today.
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