Do not think that you are – be!
Thoughts, insights and musing on mindfulness, and the journey of cultivating higher awareness, by Master Coach Steve Mitten MCC.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Do Not Meditate, Be!
Do not think that you are – be!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
It Is The Same Self In All
One of the classic Indian works is the centuries old Avadhut Gita, written by the sage Dattatreya.
His mind then ceases of its own accord,
And the perfect state just naturally occurs.
In speaking of renouncing imagining things he talks of the voluntary removal of attention, belief and identity from all changing things such as; thoughts, emotions, sensations, the circumstances of everyday life, etc.
Whenever attention is turned inward, away from external objects and towards its source, the volume and machinations of the mind subside into the background.
With nothing needing to be resisted, acquired or changed in any way, peace and contentment flourish. Without separation, between in and out, here and there, you and me, all differences dissolve into love.
The yogi directly realizes, at our essence, we are fundamental, unchanging, blissful, impersonal, all pervading awareness. It is the same Self in all.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
The Value Of Contemplation
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Friday, July 20, 2012
Learning To Trust Life
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Mindfulness: The Cure For The Optional Suffering Of Life
Monday, June 04, 2012
The Tyranny Of Doing
Monday, May 28, 2012
Choosing Not To Mind The Mind
Monday, May 21, 2012
Where to Shine The Flashlight of Attention?
Sunday, May 13, 2012
A Great Spiritual Teaching From India
One of the classic Indian works is the centuries old Avadhut Gita, written by the sage Dattatreya.
His mind then ceases of its own accord,
And the perfect state just naturally occurs.
In speaking of renouncing imagining things, he talks of the voluntary removal of attention, belief and identity from all objects; things, thoughts, emotions, sensations, etc.
Whenever attention in turned inward, away from objects and towards its source, the volume and machinations of the mind subside into the background.
With nothing needing to be resisted, acquired or changed in any way, peace and contentment flourish. Without separation, between in and out, here and there, you and me, all differences dissolve into love.
The Avadhut directly realizes, at our essence, we are fundamental, unchanging, blissful, impersonal, all pervading, awareness. It is the same Self in all.
Wednesday, May 02, 2012
If At First.....
Many change initiatives are abandoned at the first sign of back-sliding. However big change is almost always harder than you expect it to be. There are many setbacks, many lessons on what doesn't work, and many times when you have to endure a good failure or two to learn the necessary lessons you require to finally push through to success.
The more you prepare for a change, the more emotions you involve, the more support you line up to keep you on track or remind you why you are doing this - the greater your chances of success will be.
Some people believe it is better to try and fail, than it is to never try at all. However, there is enough good science, best practices and professional support available, to potential changers these days, that if you are committed you can make the change. And if you are serious about making some important changes, don't let a few steps backwards deter you.
Friday, April 27, 2012
The Irony In Seeking
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Don't Bother Trying To Be Stabile
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
The Mind As an Obstacle to Peace
And anyone who has ever had a deeper calling, who has genuinely longed to find what it true and lasting in life, has inevitably run into a few predictable roadblocks associated with the limitations of the human mind. Because changing, reasoning with, convincing, pacifying or sustainably satisfying the mind can seem like an impossible job.
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
Proceed With Joy
Sunday, April 01, 2012
At The End of Each Day
This sort of living wears them out and makes them feel unengaged, burnt-out, as if they are not living the life they are meant to live.
The journey to higher awareness involves moving just far enough away from automatic living to make choices, choices that align you with what is most important. (Those parts of life you value most, that engage you, express your unique gifts, and provide meaning to your life.)
At the end of each day you can end up with more in your head, more in your hands, or more in your heart. What are you choosing today?
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Challenge For Today
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Observing Your Thoughts
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Coaching And Enlightenment.
This is not something that you can even speak of effectively, because any concepts simply create more fuel for the part of us that is trying to figure it all out.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
If You Were Told To Change or Die, Could you Do It?
Imagine your doctor sits you down and tells you on no uncertain terms, "If you don't change your lifestyle, you will be dead in a year." What do you think the chances are that you would actually manage to eat a little better, exercise more, etc.?
The answer, and this has been well studied, is 1 in 7.* Shockingly, only 1 out of 7 patients that have the "change or die" conversation with their physician, are able to change their behaviour. And the point is, if 6 out of 7 of us have trouble making changes when our life literally depends on it, is it any surprise we struggle to make so many other changes in our lives, careers and businesses?
As we approach the time of the year when many of us reflect upon our living and consider the changes we want to make in the New Year, it is important to remember there are some changes we can make by ourselves but many more we simply cannot. These latter type of "adaptive" changes are those bigger challenges that require a change in mindset and behaviour. These types of changes take time, reinforcement and the power of relationship to help us revise limiting thoughts and assumptions. In short, there are changes that are very difficult for us human beings to do on our own - even when our life depends on it.
So if you are contemplating making some important changes this year, remember that your best intentions and willpower may simply not be enough to guarantee you the results you seek.
Thus, to better increase your odds of success, here are a few tips:
- Make sure that whatever you are trying to do, really does line up with what is truly important to you. (What you genuinely value.) Many changes fail simply because they conflict with a deeply held belief or value.
- Make sure you have a high level of commitment. A good rule of thumb is that you should have a 4 out of 5 level of commitment if you are going to be able to hang in there long enough to see through an important change. Anything less and you could easily be distracted or discouraged when things get tough or busy.
- Anticipate resistance. Anytime we attempt to move out of our comfort zone we run into resistance. Some of these thoughts/feelings/habits can completely sideline us if we are not ready for them. When the resistance shows up, get curious about any assumptions or assertions that undermine your change initiative. Chances are they are based on faulty or out of date information that no longer serves you.
- Design your support team. Big changes can be scary. Call in backup. Make sure you have a few key people you can share your goal with and turn to when things get tough. We really benefit from relationships that can remind us why we are doing something, help us examine our limiting beliefs and help us see where growth is waiting to happen. (We are all blind to some of the biggest changes we really need to make - to get the results we want.)
Good luck with all your goals, dreams and aspirations for the upcoming year. If you can dream it, and it makes your heart sing, if you take care of yourself day to day so you don't get exhausted, if you build on your strengths, if you can take it a step at a time and reach out for help when, or before, you need it, and if you can be open to the journey taking you in a different direction than you initially planned - then I believe you are going to have a fabulous adventure in the New Year.
Good luck,
Tuning Your Instrument
your own instrument of success. You are also your biggest liability. And how you
show up every day, with your colleagues, friends, family or clients, is a huge
factor in determining your overall level of happiness and success.
So tell me, how much attention do you put into tuning your
If you were a world-class musician you would never think of
performing without tuning your violin, guitar or what have you. The sour notes
would be noticed immediately and detract from your performance. Thus musicians
always take the time to tune their own instrument and then tune to the orchestra
prior to a performance. How about you?
In your life, career and businesses, I am sure you have had a
few experiences where you felt in tune with yourself, your surroundings, the
task at hand, and things flowed almost effortlessly.
And I am pretty sure there have been many other times when the
sense of struggle was so palpable, you may have felt you were playing off the
wrong sheet music.
If you do nothing to proactively prepare for each day or tune
your instrument, it will not take too much (stress, conflict, unexpected
developments, etc.) to tip you into a far more reactive mode. And feeling a
little off-key or behind the rhythm, you are more likely to appear impatient,
intolerant, unsympathetic, distracted and generally self-focused. This of course
is going to be noticed and have an impact.
Taking the time to tune your instrument, to get more present,
in-sync, will not immunize you from life's challenges. But it will ensure you
meet them with the greater creativity, trust and the resourcefulness needed to
be your best, under any circumstance. And this will also have an impact. (A very
positive one.)